About us

Our story
I'm Jess, and I'm the founder of Abbey Perfumery. We went live in November 2020 and have been humbled by the fantastic response we have had so far. I've always had a passion for perfume - the memories it can evoke, and the way it can help you get a bit of 'you' back on a tough day. At the beginning of 2020, during the first COVID-19 lockdown it felt like everyone needed a pick-me-up, so that's what propelled Abbey Perfumery forwards for me - creating something that would make people smile. The name 'Abbey' is a reference to Beauchief Abbey, which is where I grew up - well, opposite the Abbey anyway(!) - so the 'Abbey' evokes warm and happy memories for me, as does my favourite perfume.
With the support of my brilliant family, we have designed a range of 12 perfumes which are Vegan, cruelty-free and handmade in Sheffield. Whether you’re a fan of deep, dark, smoky scents (have you tried ‘Bramble Smoke’?), something warm and woody (check out ‘Woods of Oz’) or something light and floral (‘May Flower’ may be the answer!), we have tried to design our range to offer something for everyone. We have worked hard to deliver maximum longevity on the skin, so you can apply once but enjoy your chosen scent all day.
The Gender Question...
We're all used to seeing perfumes 'for men' and 'for women' when shopping for fragrances - that's just the way it has been for years. I've always struggled with this in general... I've never understood why boys have to wear blue and girls should wear pink... and the whole Action Man vs Barbie debate. A few years ago it was decided that it was unfair to advertise toys as 'for boys' and 'for girls', and I don't see why this should be any different for adults, and in the perfume industry. Ingredients aren't just for certain types of people - in my opinion, if you like roses, wear roses, and that's it. (By the way we have some fabulous rose fragrances - try Kindled Rose, my personal favourite in our collection, or Oriental Rose if you're a fan of something floral and fruity).
A quick note on sustainability
I hate plastic, so I've done everything I can to reduce our plastic usage for Abbey Perfumery. It's all new for us, so every time I see something that could be improved with a plastic free alternative, I'm keen to implement a change for the future. All our packaging is recyclable, and when we send items in the post we only use paper filling material too, which you can compost or pop in your paper bin. I look forward to sharing our sustainability journey as we evolve at Abbey Perfumery.
If you have any questions or feedback for us, please reach out to us via our social pages or our contact form, we always love to hear from you.